Welcome to the KC Wilder site

Welcome to the KC Wilder site

Esaw! You’ve arrived at the hottest news and info source on the Wham-o-Jam Word Bird himself, KC Wilder.

Does California know what it’s gotten itself into? Does the rest of America know? What about the other side of Earth? And what about the rest of this Universe? Hey boys and girls, are your rocket cars revved? We’ll soon find out.

In the works now is a saucy new book. Cover art will be by the amazing surrealist painter, Frost Newton. All new words and lyrics from the psychedelic green screens informing KC Wilder.

More on all this jazz will soon be posted here!

In the meantime you can hear free Sepulveda & Wilder tracks and mp3’s here. That’s a unique smatter of music and poetry.

Letterman’s Intro

Letterman’s Intro

This supernal word bird – an image spinning flying ace.
Musician. Eco-journalist. Storyteller. Athlete.

Brings to life a singular, ethereal silver stew.
Etches into storybooks a tingly neon view.
This an honor, yes indeed for me
to present to you this fine hombre.

Fancy free, a fauxbrow Johnny Appleseed.
People, let me hear you give it up for KC Wilder!